

The Parsnipship can offer wholesale supplies of our unique and original handmade food to your business, providing you with high quality, great tasting products. We have developed our recipes over a number of years, perfecting the taste & quality of our plant-based options.

Drop us an email to request The Parsnipship Wholesale Product Guide.

Apply to become a Wholesale Customer by emailing us and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can work with your business.

Have a look at our list of stockists to see the different types of businesses we already supply.

Our Stockists

Find our foods on sale or on the menu at:

Buying Direct

You are welcome to visit us at our HQ during the week if you’d like to purchase our products direct. 

We’re usually there between 9am – 6pm, but it’s best to phone ahead if you can to check what we’ve got available on a given day.

The Parsnipship
Unit C, Penllwyngwent, Saville Road
Ogmore Vale, Bridgend
CF32 7AX.

Call: 01656 857130